
Hypergraph reconstruction from network data

Networks can describe the structure of a wide variety of complex systems by specifying which pairs of entities in the system are connected. While such pairwise representations are flexible, they are not necessarily appropriate when the fundamental …

Influential groups for seeding and sustaining nonlinear contagion in heterogeneous hypergraphs

Several biological and social contagion phenomena, such as superspreading events or social reinforcement, are the results of multi-body interactions, for which hypergraphs offer a natural mathematical description. In this paper, we develop a novel …

Networks beyond pairwise interactions: structure and dynamics

Until recently, little attention has been devoted to the higher-order architecture of real complex systems. However, a mounting body of evidence is showing that taking the higher-order structure of these systems into account can greatly enhance our modeling capacities and help us to understand and predict their emerging dynamical behaviors. Here, we present a complete overview of the emerging field of networks beyond pairwise interactions.

Social contagion models on hypergraphs

Here we study the dynamics of social contagion on hypergraphs. We develop an analytical framework and provide numerical results for arbitrary hypergraphs, which we also support with Monte Carlo simulations. We show that the model has a vast parameter space, with first- and second-order transitions, bistability, and hysteresis.