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A Python module for detecting, analysing and visualising persistent homological features of complex networks

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Copyright (C) 2012 G. Petri

Persistent homology of weighted networks

The code allows to process weighted networks to produce their weighted clique rank filtration as described in the article:

(1) "Topological strata of weighted complex networks" Petri, G., Scolamiero, M., Donato I. & Vaccarino, F. arXiv:1301.6498(2013) accepted for publication in PLoS One.

The Python module contains various functions to produce filtrations of sparse and dense graphs, push them through Jython into the JavaPlex persistent homology engine (

If you make use of this module, please cite the article.

The code is currently under active development. Detailed instructions (in the form of iPython Notebooks) will follow shortly.

Author : G. Petri
Email :

To-do list

  1. We are currently working on a C++ implementation of the persistent homology calculation in order to take full advantage of the clique complex formulation of network homology made in (1).

  2. Documentation and install instructions.